March 9, 2012: Blogged Down

This blog is out, and word is in: People can be coerced into reading self-important prattle!

Friends weighed in yesterday about this, my foolish venture. It is apparently amusing that I refer to my husband, Todd Grossman, as “Tevye.” It’s his Hebrew name, and it’s what I’ve always called him. Why is that funny?

My friend Mike, whom I adore, wrote, “Your blog is a skinny stick of text in a giant field of gray blah. Make it pretty.” Several people wrote and deliberately misused the word “everyday,” which was amusing; two others wrote and misused the same word, which was not. A lawyer pal pointed out that I had misspelled the word “sheers” (I was mortified), and another lawyer friend wrote to gripe, “The world is in a terrible mess, and you’re worried about whether people use proper grammar? What’s wrong with you?”

I just hate it when people complain. Don’t you?

Other Thing I Hate Today: People who sing along with the radio in the company of others.